In his Real Estate work, Josh is stimulated by collaborating with successful, brilliant clients with whom he develops close friendships and learns from—motivated each day by the prospect of fulfilling interactions to persevere through tough times.

In his Real Estate work, Josh serves as a broker who solely represents tenants. He is stimulated by collaborating with successful, brilliant clients with whom he develops close friendships and learns from—motivated each day by the prospect of fulfilling interactions to persevere through tough times.
In 2021, Josh completed a 45,000 square-foot deal at 4 World Trade Center valued at over $25,000,000. He spent months scouring the market to identify a “plug and play” solution to deliver fully furnished office space, seamlessly transitioning his client into the new space. Josh negotiated exceptional value through this long-term sublease, enabling the client to focus on their growth rather than the design and construction. This project contributed to Josh’s recognition as the highest-grossing broker in his office to be awarded “Broker of The Year.”

Early in his career, Josh connected with a new friend (chance-met at a holiday party), both supporting one another by participating in their respective charities. Josh was introduced to a client that needed help negotiating a small office lease renewal for one of his businesses—after meeting and learning about Josh's experience, he parted ways with his former broker and hired Josh to take over. Years later, the same client achieved massive growth and hired Josh to secure five times as much space for a deal representing incredible long-term value, and his largest commission earned to date.
Jordache Enterprises
Josh recognizes a noteworthy career achievement as completing a 67,500 square-foot lease valued at over $25,000,000 for Jordache Enterprises in 2012. Having faced extensive brokerage competition, Josh is particularly proud that he was able to secure this deal.

There was tremendous competition to move the client out of their building—Josh was able to negotiate an expansion of their existing footprint within the building and secured a deal at 25% below the market. He negotiated with a broker whose years of experience totaled more than Josh’s age, teaching him one of the most crucial lessons in brokerage and in life: “check your ego at the door.”
Prior to negotiating the deal at 4 World Trade Center, Josh secured a nearly 100,000 square-foot $17,0000,000 deal for City Lumber in Glendale, Queens, which was the largest square-footage deal of 2021. Josh had spent almost 3 years educating his client on the market, essential in helping the family business plan for a transition to the next generation. This project also contributed to Josh’s recognition as the highest-grossing broker in his office to be awarded “Broker of The Year.”
Also in 2021, Josh completed a 19,000 square-foot deal for a global lighting company, Barbizon Lighting, valued at over $15,000,000. He identified and secured a single building to accommodate Barbizon’s office, retail, and warehouse needs. He negotiated and transacted over 200,000 square feet in New York City leases, ranging from office spaces to retail locations and warehouses, which led to Josh’s recognition as the highest-grossing broker in his office to be awarded “Broker of The Year.”

